Tamarindo - Flamingo, Costa Rica

(506) 2653-8308

Opening Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Closed Sat & Sun.
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(506) 2653-8308

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Your perfect smile is a click away!

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(506) 2653-8308

Opening Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Closed Sat & Sun.
Ask For Availability.

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Your perfect smile is a click away!

Gum Treatments

Procedure followed to remove the bacterial plaque and revert gum inflammation so as to strengthen the teeth base.Known as Periodontal disease, is a set of inflammatory conditions affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. In its early stage, called gingivitis, the gums become swollen, red, and may bleed. In its more serious form, called periodontitis, the gums can pull away from the tooth, bone can be lost, and the teeth may loosen or fall out. Bad breath may also occur.We offer all types of Periodontal treatment as well as deep teeth cleaning (with gum flaps) biopsies and general soft tissue surgeries.